Ego will always want…

I am saying to myself...
3 min readMay 28, 2021
You are not the one holding the carrot

Ego always wants to be “something”, an image, an idea, a value that is put itself above other values it considers superior, better, or more whole. Without it, it feels like death, a seizure of existence.

It can attach to the enlightenment because it is the highest point on the pedestal. So be vigilant when you feel a threat, a fear, or an anxiety, or an obsession, or a hunger, it is an ego trying to reinstate itself, to cling onto something that’s not a reality. It whispers in your ear your fears, to take more control, to gather more, to learn more, to improve, to add abilities etc.

It will never accept just the way you are and not be satisfied with your current state of being.

Photo by Nguyễn Phúc on Unsplash

The other sider of reality is you being whole and complete as you are, where you are, with things and of you are. Pure light that has been blocked by fear and illusions of ego to stay in this physical world.

It also means you cannot become a better person, nothing can make you more than you are. Collect things like abilities, relationships, knowledge, tittles is ego trying to fill the hole. To make the feel of gaining.

The “to desire” is necessary to stay in this world, to eat, and to have sex, to have friends, to be liked, to be thought as a good person.

Desire is not bad. It is just when unaware of its strings, you become a slave and forget to exercise your power of freedom.

Desire vs Preference: a thought that a hunger vs. just doing one thing over the other if given the choice . The preference is an expression of the free will. Desire is an expression of ego, of getting more of something and then being chained to it rather than being free as you are.

You cant force yourself to not desire, and you can choose one thing and do that one thing. Find things that make you feel most at peace, happy, serenity.

Let other hungers and desires fall into a secondary place without being attached to its changing moods and motions, and results. Have preferences that are based on higher goal and specific purpose so you are not attached to particular means so long it serves the higher goal and spreading of light.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Cleaning the mirror is loosing and shedding personalities that were never you in a 1st place. Continue transforming yourself into a light from awareness of a conscious being. So cleaning a mirror is a side effect of some practices, not the ability of becoming better.

Wanting to transition is still a desire. Even trying to be your highest potential before sharing yourself is the ego thinking you are not enough. An empty feeling still needs to be discovered, realized, and healed to exist for your purpose and destiny.

Ego is very sneaky and can crawl behind you. Without even noticing, it becomes part of you — taking over the driver’s seat.

You are an expression of the God/universe as you already are; therefore, there is nothing to achieve, to reach, to transform, to be good at being your essence. You already are fulfilling your purpose without you knowing it.

