Continuing the evolution of our consciousness using Brain Computer Interface

I am saying to myself...
4 min readAug 29, 2021

How many of you think that you are living a conscious life? You might think, well I have free will and make choices for myself, so I must live a conscious life! But how many times have you lost control of yourself because you were too emotional and went on rampage of anger or sorrow to the point where you don’t recongize yourself?

Have you ever thought that maybe there are two kinds of self-expressions that live within us? There is one that’s an “I” and the other “myself”? Just thinking of a common advise “Love youself” — who are we talking to? And what is yourself? As though they are talking to you, a current consciousness about some other part of you, that is outside of the consciouness they are talking to.

If “I” and “myself” they are different consciousness, which one is more connected with the free will and the one that is connected to moments where we loose ourselves? Which one that points to the deeper essence of being alive and being human?

For the sake of conversations, there are two common extreme views: 1)we are animals evolved to think and solve of higher level problems, or 2) we are more than that what a pure expression of deterministic biology can show.

Either way, we want to think that we are automonous agents of our bodies, minds, and souls — that have control of our quality of lives, preferences, and choices.

Spiritual dialogs commonly point out that I and myself are different. The freedom of humananity lies in understanding that we are not our minds, feelings, and desires. Separate yourself from the tricks of the obsessive and fearful minds and you will experience a true freedom.

People who experience what that means tend to be happier, satisfied, self directed, and just at peace even on their deadbeds.

That’s the goal of every person no matter the origins of the belief systems — agnostic or spiritual.

The problem lies that in its difficulty to differentiate the “I” from the “self” and what does that mean to “separate yourself from your own mind” That makes no sense to the logical side of the mind.

How can we make it more obvious to people who have difficulty differenciating their two different states of being? It is very difficult to explain using words to someone when one falls in love. Or how does it feel to be enlightened?

Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash

What if the Brain Computer Interface(BCI) gets advance enough for the brain to do everything that computer is good at — calculations, geometry, task operations, spacial recognition. That should be more obvious, in the contexts of being wired to the computer, that the brain is essentially a computer in itself, just expressed in biological materials.

The brain’s 2 proposed purposes: 1)to direct automate the internal systems in your body so you don’t have to, receive the feedback from the environment, process those feedbacks, elisit an appropriate response, and memorize the task for future reference if it helps you to avoid the danger or get to the results desured.

We all know the side effects of the unhealthy brain operations, like depressions, obsessions, impulsiveness, etc. But we also know that 2) the brain is also responsible to get you to the higher states of consciousness.

What do we do with that?!!

I also should admit that most of my life I don’t know the difference and both states go back and forth and most of the time not at my own will.

If we can take control of the brain’s first purpose by the computer software, then it should be more obvious what the other side of mind should feel like — in other words, where the free will comes from.

Spiritual teachers have mastered to control their minds using the other side of their conscioussness with an “I”. For general public who don’t have time for daily mindful practices or have less access to learn it, the software can make it more obvious and accessible to control when the mind’s 1st purpose overtakes the will of a human.

Once one side can be more obvious to the consciousness then the other side can appear more obvious on the horizons of awareness.

Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash

We are afraid of Artificial Intelligence because we fear to loose control of our will, lives, and basically not being slaves to the machines. However, we don’t realize how we are slaves to our own minds and the mind is the tool of biology that meant to control us.

Biology is in itself the artifical intelligence. It meant to control us for our own good. Make it autonomous and automatice such that a human will have better chance of surving automatically. See the tiger? Run reaction automatically activated without the need for free will. It is the source of our salvation.

However, that biological automation already gets us more into troubles without being fully consciousness of it.

The tool that meant to help us and improve our lives already controlling us like slaves, in our own minds. Maybe the fear of AI technology to make us slaves — is the expression of the unconscious side of the brain and its full power over us.

